Digital Filing & Repository

Data storage is a key component of a successful business. You need to store all the files you’re currently processing in accounts payable, expense reporting, and other departments somewhere you won’t lose them. Written policies, budgeting records, and other frequently used files have to stay easily accessible. And on top of all that, you’re also keeping records of files that are no longer in active use for tax purposes, legal reasons, and to help you plan for the future.

The longer your business is around and the larger it grows, the more data you’ll be storing. If you store this information on paper it’s going to start taking up large amounts of space. Several things happen as you continue accumulating paper. Storage costs go up, it’s harder to find files you’re looking for, and the files take up more and more space. Plus, paper files are easily damaged and you risk losing years worth of records if something like a fire or flood happens.

Electronic or digital storage

Digital storage is the alternative. Storing business data electronically doesn’t cause the same problems as physical storage, and it also comes with a number of benefits. But is it the best choice for every business? And just why is digital storage considered so much better than paper?

We employ industrial scanners for conversion of papers to digital format e.g pdf or other file types like jpg.

We network digital scanners to pc either desktops or laptops for the initial data storage before they are transferred to central repository on a dedicated file server.

The file or data server can be deployed with windows server operating system or Linux operating system as this depends on the users choice of operating system.

Proper measures are going to be put in place for security and users authentication on the server with special softwares that will handle various partitions and data repository.

All systems where the digital scanners are installed are going to be networked to the main central server for final storage and archiving.

To establish a standard digital filing systems, certain hardware are very necessary e.g.

  1. Server pc
  2. Laptops or desktops
  3. Digital scanners
  4. Networking (LAN or WLAN) with switching hub
  5. Operating system (windows server or Linux)
  6. Server Antivirus and Firewall.

Please watch this short video to give you an idea of how to use digital scanners to convert paper document to digital format and send them straight on your smartphone for immediate storage while on the go for a meeting appointment etc.

Get in touch with us for your requirements.